Target setting process questions
Here we provide answers to common technical questions that companies have as they are going through the target-setting process.
Our suite of new enabling materials and updated technical guidance is now available, informed by insights from our trail-blazing target-setting companies. Explore all of our latest guidance via the target-setting guide below, also available offline through our corporate manual.
A public consultation on the first ocean science-based targets is currently open from September 10 to October 22, 2024.
The SBTN target-setting process is divided into five steps; Assess, Prioritize, Set targets, Act and Track. Each step contains methods, tools and additional resources to guide companies through the process. We also have cross-step guidance available.
The first two steps help companies assess and prioritize their environmental impacts and then set targets, beginning with freshwater and land. Biodiversity is integrated across our guidance. Ocean targets will be available in 2025 and climate targets are set via our partner organisation Science Based Targets initiative.
We have developed detailed technical guidance for the first three steps of the process with further guidance on the final two steps – Act and Track – coming in 2025.
This step gives you a high-level understanding of environmental materiality of your activities and an overview of the pressures and the state of nature associated with your value chain.
Prioritize areas where action has the biggest overall impact, considering actions from your operations and across your value chain to the landscapes surrounding your value chain.
This step is where you set and validate your science-based targets. The validation process has recently been piloted and will be available later in 2024.
Depending on your material impacts, you can set targets for freshwater, land and climate (via SBTi). Biodiversity is partially covered within the freshwater and land targets with a comprehensive analysis in development. Ocean targets will be available in 2025.
The methods for this step are in the planning stage, and will include actions you can take to meet your targets. In the meantime, follow our initial guidance.
Guidance for this step is in the planning stages, and will include guidance on how to:
We have high-level measurement guidance for companies getting started today.
Here you can find technical guidance and supporting resources that are relevant across the target-setting process, including how science-based targets for nature support biodiversity and stakeholder engagement guidance.
The target-setting process is open source and free to use for all companies. Companies do not need to register, they can simply start to use our guidance – available in our Resource Library. However, to set official targets, companies must obtain validation through our validation host, the Accountability Accelerator (available late 2024).
Setting science-based targets for nature represents a significant business opportunity and holds the potential for enormous positive impact both for your organization and the environment. It is an ambitious and comprehensive endeavor that requires the gathering of value chain data, enabling processes to engage with suppliers and local stakeholders, collaborating across the organization as well as securing leadership buy-in. We have provided initial support and resources to help get you started and aim to provide further resources soon.