Target setting process questions
Here we provide answers to common technical questions that companies have as they are going through the target-setting process.
SBTN focuses on equipping companies with guidance to set targets for ocean realm pressures throughout the whole value chain, including retailers and wholesalers, helping them both reduce their impacts and also engage in meaningful improvement initiatives. The first version of the ocean targets, focused on the seafood value chains, addressing impacts from both wild capture fishing and aquaculture, will be released in March 2025 at the Seafood Expo North America.
A public consultation for these was held from September to November 2024, providing an opportunity for the public to provide input into SBTN’s multi-stakeholder process to ensure finalized guidance for companies is as robust, clear and practical as possible. Looking ahead there are plans to expand the targets to cover pressures in the ocean realm from other key industries such as maritime transport, coastal and marine tourism, marine offshore renewables, and coastal development.
In 2025, SBTN will release Step 3 Ocean (V1.0) containing an initial suite of three targets:
The Step 3 Ocean methods will be built on the existing guidance for Steps 1 and 2, other SBTN resources, external standards, certifications, and corporate ambitions. They will be accompanied by clear guidance for companies on operations that may cross other SBTN realms, such as coastal and estuarine environments. These targets will also cover some Freshwater realm pressures relevant to seafood and, as with the other methodologies, will address direct operations and upstream value chains.