Target setting process questions
Here we provide answers to common technical questions that companies have as they are going through the target-setting process.
For Step 2, companies are expected to use the data they have collected from tools in Step 1. Please see the Step 1 Toolbox for SBTN’s recommendations on our website resources section.
Task 1. Define target boundaries for each pressure category
Where possible, you should always use the finest scale for a given location. This will increase the accuracy of your prioritization process and the likelihood that you set and act upon targets in locations with the most urgent need first.
Companies can use different scales (e.g., subnational and production unit) to compare across locations within a given target boundary for a specific pressure in the prioritization process. However, data used for a given location (pressure and state of nature) should be at the same scale.
Task 2. Place volumes with insufficient value chain traceability in a separate target boundary
We currently have no FAQs for this task. If you still have questions after reviewing this online target-setting guide, please contact SBTN.
Here we provide answers to common technical questions that companies have as they are going through the target-setting process.